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Dame Deborah James Smiling

Find a life worth enjoying, take risks, love deeply, have no regrets and always, always have rebellious hope. And finally, check your poo – it could just save your life​

Dame Deborah James

The Bowelbabe Fund for Cancer Research UK was set up to continue the incredible legacy of Dame Deborah James.

We fund cutting-edge research into early detection and personalised medicine, raise awareness of signs and symptoms and tackle the stigmas around cancer with unflinching honesty so we can give more people affected by cancer more time with the people they love. 

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New Emma Bridgewater
1/2 Pint Mug

All the mugs are handpainted in the UK and available online and in Emma Bridgewater stores.


Emma Bridgewater will be donating £5 from the sale of every Bowelbabe Fund 1/2 Pint Mug to the Bowelbabe Fund for Cancer Research UK. 

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Read Deborah's family letter to party leaders

Deborah James' family have published a letter calling on all political parties to back Cancer Research UK’s manifesto and make the upcoming general election a landmark moment. 




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Donate today 

Help us give more people more time with the people they love and make a donation today to the Bowelbabe Fund

for Cancer Research UK







raised so far


innovative projects funded worth over £12m


of lives reached

Continuing Dame Deborah James's incredible legacy.

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The Bowelbabe Fund for Cancer Research UK is a restricted fund within Cancer Research UK.
Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247)
and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator. A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F). Registered address: 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ.

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