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Your support in establishing the Bowelbabe Fund for Cancer Research UK will help so many more people benefit, like I have, from the amazing work of these causes in the many years to come.​

Dame Deborah James



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Bowelbabe Fund c/o Cancer Research UK
PO BOX 1561
Oxford OX4 9GZ

Please note that the Bowelbabe Fund for Cancer Research UK is part of Cancer Research UK.

Therefore, all emails and phone calls will be answered by a member of the Cancer Research UK team.


Our opening hours are 8:00–18:00 Monday to Friday

At weekends we are open 9:00–17:00

We are closed on a Monday between 11:00-12:00.


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Check out our Privacy Policy for more details.

Continuing Dame Deborah James' incredible legacy.

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The Bowelbabe Fund for Cancer Research UK is a restricted fund within Cancer Research UK.
Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247)
and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator. A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F). Registered address: 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ.

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